This version is a two person game, i.e., you need two humans to play it (unless you're schizophrenic.) I will be releasing an update by the end of 1993 that will allow one person to play checkers against the Newton. It doesn't play too well yet (it cheats terribly), so it's turned off until I can get it working properly.
Cost and Caveats:
This version (1.1) is free. Feel free to distribute it unmodified anywhere. The final version will be a $5 shareware program. However, I'm looking for feedback and comments. If you send me useful comments and constructive criticism that results in changes to the program, I'll consider you a bona fide beta tester and send you all future updates for free.
Future Games?
What other games would you like to see? Eventually I'd like this to be a package of games, something you can take on a trip and toss in the back seat to entertain the kids, for example. Ideas are welcome at any of the addresses above.
Legal Stuff:
This software may be freely distributed via online services, BBSs and user groups provided it is not altered in ANY way. This "readme" file must be included with the Checkers Application. Commercial, Shareware and CD-ROM services must obtain advance permission in writing from Ravenwood Software before distributing this product. This version of Checkers for the Newton is free of charge. However, it is NOT public domain. All copyright, ownership and rights of ownership shall remain with Ravenwood Software.
Use this product at your own risk. In no event shall Ravenwood Software be responsible for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use this software even if Ravenwood Software has been advised of the possibliity of such damages. Ravenwood Software and Ravenwood's licensors expressly disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.